Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The FCC and the Internet

Well my friends, I hope you have better things to do than read blog posts and watch youtube videos. It seems that the government is trying very hard to screw the internet up for you and I.

What is even worse is that the major news agencies are talking about this as if it would be a good thing. They are trying to soften the blow by saying it will help everyone and we (the users) won't even notice any difference. Well just like everything else the government sticks their nose into, we indeed will be screwed in time. This is a major problem and this is an historical change in how we will be able to utilize online content.

Many people will probably say that this isn't that big of a deal, but many more of you probably understand exactly what this will lead to. In the very near future we will be charged money to access the internet. Not only (as now) will we pay for a service provider, we will be charged by how much band width we consume on a daily basis. This will completely destroy the ability for many to get online and use the internet because many people will never be able to afford the charges.

This really should come as no surprise to anyone because most people have known that the government wants to regulate the internet and be in complete control of all of the information we (meaning you and I) can send a receive.

This is just one more example showing how we in the United States are not free. We are not free to do what we want, we are not free to choose what we want, we are slaves to a corrupt state and because none of us will stand up and fight, this corrupt government will continue to tear our remaining freedoms away.

When exactly, or more importantly, what exactly is it going to take for people to wake up and understand that we need to stand up and fight? Why is it that people sit on their hands and say that they can't do anything? Why is it people only complain and then comply anyway?

Maybe half of the problem in this country is the people. The people of this country used to be strong and prideful. Now people in this country are just lazy and scared.

If you are too lazy to stand up and fight, at least let others know about what is happening. If you are willing to stand up and fight, the time has come.