Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The FCC and the Internet

Well my friends, I hope you have better things to do than read blog posts and watch youtube videos. It seems that the government is trying very hard to screw the internet up for you and I.

What is even worse is that the major news agencies are talking about this as if it would be a good thing. They are trying to soften the blow by saying it will help everyone and we (the users) won't even notice any difference. Well just like everything else the government sticks their nose into, we indeed will be screwed in time. This is a major problem and this is an historical change in how we will be able to utilize online content.

Many people will probably say that this isn't that big of a deal, but many more of you probably understand exactly what this will lead to. In the very near future we will be charged money to access the internet. Not only (as now) will we pay for a service provider, we will be charged by how much band width we consume on a daily basis. This will completely destroy the ability for many to get online and use the internet because many people will never be able to afford the charges.

This really should come as no surprise to anyone because most people have known that the government wants to regulate the internet and be in complete control of all of the information we (meaning you and I) can send a receive.

This is just one more example showing how we in the United States are not free. We are not free to do what we want, we are not free to choose what we want, we are slaves to a corrupt state and because none of us will stand up and fight, this corrupt government will continue to tear our remaining freedoms away.

When exactly, or more importantly, what exactly is it going to take for people to wake up and understand that we need to stand up and fight? Why is it that people sit on their hands and say that they can't do anything? Why is it people only complain and then comply anyway?

Maybe half of the problem in this country is the people. The people of this country used to be strong and prideful. Now people in this country are just lazy and scared.

If you are too lazy to stand up and fight, at least let others know about what is happening. If you are willing to stand up and fight, the time has come.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

North Korea is a Pile of Garbage

I told myself that I would just not write anything about these silly North Koreans but I just can't help myself unfortunately so now you will be graced with my view on these moronic little turds.

North Korea has been a nagging little bag of snot since the late 40's and they seem to feel that if they kick and scream like a little child we will give them things. This of course is our fault because we have done this over and over again in the past. North Korea yells and screams like a hungry baby and we being morons give them whatever they want. Well, it looks as though this is about to change. Instead of sending North Korea food or money, we are sending them a Naval welcoming party which is fully armed and fully capable of making North Korean people's eyes melt in their silly brain washed heads. The question is whether the "dear leader" is stupid enough to fire off some of his outdated artillery while we are in the area.

I see a lot of people saying that the "dear leader" is a whack job and a nut case and while I tend to agree, I will also give that dirty little bastard some credit. I mean seriously, ask yourself if you are cool enough to be able to sway over 23 million people into being your dumb little slaves and ask yourself if you are smart enough to be able to completely block all of them off from the outside world and lastly, ask yourself if you could defy a world superpower for years without being turned into a glimmering nuclear cloud of death. Personally, I would say the "dear leader" has done a pretty damn fine job of being an evil little smurf.

For the reasons stated above, I do not see North Korea shooting off any of their weapons while we are there. He may be psychotic but he is not stupid. He understands perfectly well that his stupid little country could very well become a smelly vapor cloud if he does anything. The only thing that dumb ass will be shooting off is his mouth.

Something else that bothers me about this whole pile of garbage is China. China is a disgraceful douche stained country and anyone who thinks otherwise is a big stinking asshole. North Korea sinks a warship and kills a bunch of sailors, they shell an island and kill 4 people and injure 20 more, and then all of the other things that they have done yet China doesn't do anything about it. Anyone who thinks that China is our friend is smoking a fat crack pipe filled with cow shit. I say since China is backing North Korea we no longer trade with them. Tell China they can have Walmart back and they can sell their widgets to Russia. The stupid ass Russians are no better so let those two butt snakes play with each other.

Speaking of Russia, if you happen to believe that Russia is our friend, once again you are smoking some serious jungle weed and you need to be shot in the face with a large heavy bullet over and over again. Russia is still our enemy and they need to go to hell.

And now for those spaz bags that say North Korea is a great place and we should keep our noses out of it. Screw you and die. We didn't start the conflict and we didn't ask for the conflict. If you honestly think North Korea is such a great place, I will rent a plane and fly you over there and throw you out of it.

And finally, my prediction. North Korea will not do a damn thing and they will settle down until we leave. They will then huff and puff like a retarded dragon until someone gives in and gives them another bag of rice. They will continue to say that they have nuclear weapons and that they are going to blast the USA into the fiery depths of hell and that they are going to rain down on the "puppet government" of South Korea and destroy them. This is all that will ever happen in that region until the USA decides we no longer want to play with the North Korean Cartoon characters. Once we have had enough of them, we will finally go in and blow them back into the ground so we can start over again.

North Koreans are assholes and the government of North Korea deserves to die. I can only hope that one day we will destroy them.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The End Times Rapture!

The end is here my friends! Please see the video for instructions on what to do so you will not become rapturized!

Monday, October 11, 2010

AK-47 VS. AR-15

Which rifle do you believe is the best? Do you like them both or do you have a favorite? The AK-47 and the AR-15 are the two most popular rifles on Earth. Watch the video to see which one is better.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We Are Not Capable of Taking Control

I hear people every day complaining about the government. They say things such as "oh the government doesn't listen", "the government is corrupt", and "the government needs to go away". While I agree with all of those things, I do not see how anyone can truly believe that "we the people" will ever revolt against the government and make things right in this country.

If you are anything like me, you probably watch the news and see the corrupt news stations taking their sides in the political arena. We have FOX news who is completely republican, we have CNN who seems to be a democratic sympathizer and then of course all of the other stations that have political and money ties to whichever party they like. Many of you think the news is really true and the news is being reported in a fair manner. Well, if you believe that you had best go and research a little because you are a fool if you think that way. Look who owns these news stations, see who pays them. Maybe then you will get the point.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is because so many people want the government to go to hell but nobody has the balls to stand up and make it happen. Oh sure, you can go on youtube or maybe a blog and see people who say they are going to fight the government and fix things but for the most part, those people are all talk and what I like to call "couch patriots". They could never do anything worth while and all they know how to do is talk a lot. We then have the morons who go "insane" and shoot up buildings and people. Those idiots thought they were doing something good only to find out that they are alone and they look like complete douche bags. Then of course once they get killed by the police, they are called terrorists (which they are) or they are said to have had mental problems (which they do). So as you can see, none of those things are going to work.

What about the millions of people who do nothing but work, pay their taxes (get raped by the government) and sit glued to their televisions to watch "dancing with the stars"? These are the people who have been programmed by the elite to shut up and comply. This is where most Americans are at. They are good people but they have just given up, given in and they comply with the machine. This is sad.

How exactly do people who hate the tyranical government expect any changes to be made when most Americans are happy as long as they have a beer and a fat sandwich? How do you rally enough people (and I mean millions) to actually stand up and say NO MORE! ?

As you can see, it is not something that will ever happen. Sure, we will continue to see lone gunman and small groups causing trouble now and then but there will never be a mass uprising to show the government that we are sick of them.

I know it's sad and I know how upset many of you are who understand that the government machine will never die. It will steam roll us all until we are dead and then it will steam roll your children and their children too. It will continue to take all of our money in the way of higher taxes and it will continue to tear the USA into bits by taking away more of our rights just because they know they can and they know that nobody in this country (on any kind of large scale) will ever do anything about it.

Why more people don't understand this is truly beyond me and it really is quite sad. So when you hear someone say that we need to "rise up against the government", just turn around and walk away. There is no chance of that ever happening because people are lazy, dumb, foolish and just plain blind.

Bushcraft Survival with Mr. RashBone

Hello friends...

Knowing how to defend yourself against scary beasts can be very important. If you don't know how to do this, you will most likely find yourself in a bad place such as the stomach of a large scary animal, or possibly stuck in an alien spacecraft being anal probed by frightening monster type creatures. This of course is something we want to avoid. This video will give you a very good idea of what you need to do to become totally self sufficient!

Bushcraft Survival with Mr. RashBone

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What Makes Mr. RashBone Mad

Hello my friends!

This post may shock a few of you. It is going to be slightly more serious than most of my writings. The reason for this is because I am pretty sick of so many people in this country. Why you ask? Well my friends, there are so many people who just sit in their chairs and watch the news and actually believe what they hear. There are so many of you out there that sit your fat asses on your couch and think that what the government tells you is the truth. Many of you don't seem to care about the truth.

You see my friends, the sooner you come to the realization that you are being lied to the better. The news media feeds you their lies because they are under the control of the United States government. The government lies to you through press conferences because they know you will just believe it or even worse, they know that many of you just don't give a rats ass as long as you can continue to stuff your fat faces with food and get stupid drunk with your beer. Understand this, I think that you people are lazy. You can deny it or you can just admit that it's true. The one thing you can't do (without lying) is say that most people in this country aren't lazy.

I am even willing to go further and say that 90% of this countries population can't even tell me what the Bill of Rights is. I bet that at least 90% of the people in this country don't think that is even important. Because this is the case, the government is steamrolling your rights into the ground, taking more control of your life, slowly but surely taxing your asses into poverty, and even worse, the government has embedded into your heads that they are in control of the country not you. You see, the founding fathers were smart, they made sure that the Constitution of the United States clearly gave the people the control of the country not politicians with their corrupt ideals and their power hungry friends. We the people are the ones who have the power but because you people are so damn lazy, the government saw fit to turn the tables and make you their slaves. The government is like a cancer, it sneaks up on you slowly and over time takes more and more of your life away until one day, while you are laying on your death bed, you realize that if you would have only taken control of the situation, you may not be where you are now.

While I know some of you reading this are thinking, "this guy is stupid" I would suggest opening your eyes before saying anything. Look around you, look at your taxes, look at your local laws, look at what your elected officials make per year and look where they live. While you are counting your pennies so you can feed your children, your elected officials are sitting in fancy homes with all of the riches of life because you were stupid enough to pay the taxes that they imposed on you through false promises.

The government does not care about you. The people you elect don't care about you, and the only one to blame for all of this is you. Because you didn't care about it and you didn't think it was important. You are too lazy to stand up for your rights and take back control. Blame yourselves for this. Blame yourselves for the economic situation in this country.

If you are a business owner in this country, blame yourself for hiring that illegal idiot who you can pay less money. Blame yourselves if you own a company and you use offshore employees. To consumers, blame yourselves that you actually buy products from companies that hire illegals and offshore employees. It is your fault and nobody else.

This is what bothers me people. The lazy, the people who don't care, the government that rapes you and I each day and takes our freedoms away even though they have no right to do so. Yet even though they have no right to do so, they do it anyway because they know (as I do) that you are too lazy to do anything about it.

I hope this makes you happy. I hope you enjoy being a slave. When the day comes (and it is coming) when all of your rights are gone, don't look any further than the mirror when you ask what happened. You made it happen by being a lazy, non-caring fool.

An Introduction To New Viewers !

Well Hello my friends! Many of you already know who I am. You know that I am fighting for the freedom of the American people. I am fighting the New World Order, FEMA and the scary lizard people who are trying to take over the planet and steal all of the fruit from Wal-Mart. But for those who don't yet know me, and those who don't yet understand the horrible things coming our way, this is for you! Please see the video below so you too will be awake to the frightening facts that are about to take our freedoms and lives away from us! PREPARE MY FRIENDS!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Senior Citizen Survival Techniques During SHTF

Hello my friends!

Many people have been asking me what will happen to old people when the S#$% hits the fan. Well because I have been getting so many requests on this subject, I decided that I would make this video for all of my elderly readers and watchers. You old folks must prepare now so you won't be beaten into a sloppy mess of goo when the scary people come for your ass in the weeee hours of the morning. Please watch the video below so you too will have the tools needed to survive!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Survival Tips

Join Me!

Survival Tips : Home

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2012 and The End Times...

I've been pretty bored lately so I started watching some youtube videos about 2012 and how at that time we are all going to burn and gag on our own blood because supposedly December 2012 is the "end times". Now I can understand the "romantic" nature of thinking that something amazing is going to happen in 2012 but to be perfectly honest, I don't really think anything is actually going to happen and I kind of think those that believe that something is gonna happen are a bunch of lunatics without brains. Now I know, some of you will claim that scientists are even saying there is going to be a pole shift and the sun is going to shoot radiation at our sorry asses but that doesn't mean (if it's even true) that we are going to all die.

It really is quite amazing that so many people are so incredibly convinced that 2012 will be the end. I read a story about some old bastard who was employed by a very good company and he was making serious money. Well, this dummy decided to quit his great job and go live in a hut somewhere because he is convinced that 2012 will be the end. He says he wants to live the few years he has left in peace and be ready for the doom that is sure to come. Now again, I love the idea of living out my final days in peace, but come on man, do you all really think that 2012 is really the end? I think you have a better chance of being hit by a speeding bag of anal residue and being killed than by any crazy ass Mayan prediction.

This brings up another question... Why is it that so many people (smart people included) put so much faith in Mayans and their calendar? These people (the Mayans) were pretty damn smart, I will give them that but we have to remember that back in those days, they had nothing better to do than look at stars and make crazy ass predictions. They didn't have computers to melt their brains or television to destroy their minds so instead they made up their own entertainment by saying bad things were going to happen. Kind of like how people saw figures by connecting the stars together like some sick connect the dots game.

Let us also not forget that people have been predicting the "end times" since the beginning of time and none of those morons got it right so what makes you think that this time we have it all nailed down? I think the problem is that we have a lot of bored people out there who are hoping for something interesting to happen and this is one way for them to get a little excited. Again, I am all for excitement and fun but seriously, if you are bored go out and do something other than looking like a whack job saying that the world is about to explode. It will do you good to get out and interact with humanity instead of sitting behind that damn computer screen. Who knows, maybe you will meet a nice person and you will hope that the world isn't going to end.

So for those of you living in "end time" shelters and getting ready for the doom from outer space, maybe you should put all of that energy into something positive instead of pushing this negative stupidity. Being positive is healthy and even more important, when the "end " doesn't happen, you will be able to walk around town without people laughing at you.

Have a great day assholes and watch out for those killer asteroids and space people!