Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Time for Militia and Patriot Women!

Well it is that time of year again... Santa will be bringing us all sorts of toys and gifts but we will also need to think of what we will need to buy for those hard to buy for patriot and militia women folk of ours. Since Santa is no longer allowed to make guns at his factory up at the North Pole, we will have to buy those ourselves. Pretty sad that just because one stupid elf went Rambo up there that the federal government shut down the whole Santa gun works.

Anyway, check out the video below for great gift ideas for that beautiful patriot and militia women in your life. The gifts are sure to please, and she will be so happy with the choices you made in selecting the perfect gift!

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Book of Mormon and Aliens... Shocking

Did you know that the book of Mormon tells of how space aliens are going to come down here and suck our brains out? Well it is true! So since this is true, what is one to do to keep their brain secure from these nasty scary space aliens? Well first of all, a helmet would be a very good idea.

The book of Mormon tells us exactly what plans the space aliens and New World Order have in store for us and you can read all about it if you get your free book of Moron by checking out their website. I don't actually know what the address is to their site but I'm sure since your brains have not been sucked out by aliens yet, you will have no problem finding it.

Get your Moron book today so you can keep your brain safe. Well, unless you don't have a brain to begin with.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Are YOU Ready For The End Times?

How many of you have prepared for the end times? Well, if you haven't, shame on you! The End Times are near and the New World Order is going to be coming for you very very soon.

An important preparation for the End Times and the New World Order stromtrooper attack is knowing how to defend yourself. If you don't know how to do that, you will be slapped around like a silly little rag doll and some of the nasty stormtroopers may even call you Sally. Now I guess that's OK if your name happens to be Sally, but for the rest of us with different names, well that could be horrible!

So learn some techniques to keep yourself safe from the nasty and scary NWO. Get a video or join a Kung Fu club so you can learn to kick the stuffing out of mean people. This may be the only way you will be safe when the NWO comes to drag your sorry ass into the night.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Watching the News May Not Be So Smart!

I was watching CNN the other day and I noticed that there was a tinge of bias when talking about certain things. There was a story about how militias are on the increase and how people all over the country are getting scared of what is happening with the economy and all of that stuff. Well, while most militia members are fat old wannabe military people who couldn't get in, it is also true that many of them are serious about not having our rights taken away and in that regard I agree. I am not in a militia or anything like that and I personally would never join one just for the fact that if anything were to happen in this country like martial law or whatever, those groups would be the first ones to get spanked with an unmanned drone with their name on it. I prefer to be my own single unit militia thank you very much!

Anyway, CNN really put these people in a really bad light and from what I remember of CNN, they always said that they were into fair and balanced reporting and honesty and all of that other garbage that they say. Well, that certainly was NOT fair and balanced reporting and there have been many other instances of this kind of bias BS on their part.

This is going to tick so many of you off but I MUST mention it. What is with CNN and their new Spanish BS that they always show on their station now? Have any of you noticed this little shift with that one guy (forgot his name) but he does some stupid report about "photos" or something yet he talks in Spanish all the time? Sorry but I am an English speaking American person and our "official" language here is ENGLISH! I do not need CNN shoving Spanish into my ears.

I'm sorry folks but it seems that ALL of the news stations are bias in their own ways. FOX is anti-Obama, CNN and MSNBC are pro-Obama and they all have their own agendas and they all most certainly have their own message that they are trying to push on us.

This is why I say that we all need to turn off the television and just stop watching these news shows. If you have a shortwave radio, you can get news from around the world and that may very well be a better option.

Something else to remember, all of these "big box" news stations like CNN are run by larger companies with massive amounts of money. Did you ever think that the government is actually in control of what these media outlets say? Well, it is certainly something to think about and it is certainly something to be aware of because from what I have seen, we are being fed all sorts of false information to make us think that things are getting better.

Welcome To RashBones Survival Blog!

Welcome to my newest blog and my most important blog I might add! As we all know the economy is in the dumpster, our debt is through the roof, and job loss is at an all time high without an end in sight. With all of these problems, we all need to think about how we are going to survive these hard times.

Along with this is a government that seems to be interested in taking all of our freedoms away one by one through crazy bills and laws that on the surface look as though they will be good, but under the surface these laws and bills are stripping each one of us of our individual rights as human beings.

My blog will be laced with humorous content such as videos to try and lighten the mood but remember that we are looking at some serious problems and we need to stick together, communicate ideas and tips on how to survive these trying times. While much of the content within my blog may be disturbing and it may very well upset and anger some people, the main focus is to be prepared in case we are forced to find new ways to survive if our country decides to take a nose dive into hell.

I look forward to hearing from all of you and most definitely look forward to hearing concerns you have about the state of our country the USA. I would also like to invite people from other countries to give us their reports on the state of their areas. Since this world is connected through money in so many ways, this isn't just a USA problem, this is a world problem.

Visit my satirical video channel on youtube as well. While my videos are meant to be fun and hopefully somewhat funny, there is also a serious message in some of them. Well, if you can find the messages I suppose!