Along with this is a government that seems to be interested in taking all of our freedoms away one by one through crazy bills and laws that on the surface look as though they will be good, but under the surface these laws and bills are stripping each one of us of our individual rights as human beings.
My blog will be laced with humorous content such as videos to try and lighten the mood but remember that we are looking at some serious problems and we need to stick together, communicate ideas and tips on how to survive these trying times. While much of the content within my blog may be disturbing and it may very well upset and anger some people, the main focus is to be prepared in case we are forced to find new ways to survive if our country decides to take a nose dive into hell.
I look forward to hearing from all of you and most definitely look forward to hearing concerns you have about the state of our country the USA. I would also like to invite people from other countries to give us their reports on the state of their areas. Since this world is connected through money in so many ways, this isn't just a USA problem, this is a world problem.
Visit my satirical video channel on youtube as well. While my videos are meant to be fun and hopefully somewhat funny, there is also a serious message in some of them. Well, if you can find the messages I suppose!
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