It has been said time and time again, by people who are unhappy with the government that we need a revolution. We saw this in the 1960's and we saw this in the Civil War. We have been hearing more and more about how our government is attacking our rights, destroying our freedoms, and imposing insane tax rape of all Americans. Yet, time and time again, after freedom after freedom is taken away, we sit idly by and what do we do? We complain about it.
Do you believe that our founding fathers are like we are today? Do you believe that those patriotic citizens of the 1700's were as willing as we are to sit back and allow a tyrannical government to rape and pillage us? I think not. They understood what it meant to be a slave because they left the very places in Europe that acted as our government acts today. They knew that if they didn't make a stand and fight, they would be held captive by the same tyranny that they were trying to escape from.
I come to you today because I am shamed into writing this. In the past two weeks I have watched the 4th Amendment be trampled by a tyrant named "Justice" David in Indiana. I have watched the White House trample the 1st Amendment refusing the press to report on and attend White House briefings. I have watched gas prices go through the roof, wars being waged on our behalf without our consent. I watched in horror as a Marine was shot dead in his own home by storm trooper police who did not have a warrant or probable cause. I could go on and on about the things that are happening. This is just a small example of the things that have happened in only a two week period.
I see many people talking about how we need a revolution. I see many people agreeing with those who write about needing a revolution. The only thing I do not see is a REVOLUTION. How can it be that so many believe we need a revolution yet none of those people are willing to start a revolution?
This country has a very small minority of people who are willing and able to start a revolution and that is scary. 98% of the American population doesn't even seem to care what is going on and they just go about their daily lives without a worry in the world. They have been brain washed by television shows and news as to how everything being done in this country is for the good of the people and sadly, they believe it. Do you not care that your rights no longer exist or that you have lost so much freedom? Is it truly not a big deal to you that you no longer have the same freedoms and rights as your parents or grandparents once had? Do you have children and if so, does it not worry you that they will be in even more trouble than we are now?
Many people look at writings like mine as being negative or being conspiracy based. Often times people will say that I am just a doom and gloom writer trying to scare people. The people who say these types of things are the same people who don't read or educate themselves. they are more worried about the shoe sale at the local mall than they are about their own freedom. This as I said is about 98% of the population. As long as they are comfortable now, who cares about later.
For the 2% of people who do care and who are reading these words today, I ask you to stand with me and begin the revolution today. Gather up your people and make it known that you are ready to defend our way of life. Let it be known where you will gather so more of us can come. Every state in this union must begin now and make it known to others that we are gathering. Do not be afraid of what others will think of you or what the government tyrants will do. Gather immediately and spread the word. The revolution has begun today and this revolution will continue until we gain back our freedoms.
Use every available source to convey your intentions to all people in your areas. Use internet, flyers, phone calls etc. Use social networks to allow others to know when and where you will be forming up. Do it today, get prepared today, and begin today. There is no more time to sit back and complain about it.
Revolution is now and today it has begun.
Feel free to use my site to network with others. E.U.P. MILITIA
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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This is the real revolution