I've been pretty bored lately so I started watching some youtube videos about 2012 and how at that time we are all going to burn and gag on our own blood because supposedly December 2012 is the "end times". Now I can understand the "romantic" nature of thinking that something amazing is going to happen in 2012 but to be perfectly honest, I don't really think anything is actually going to happen and I kind of think those that believe that something is gonna happen are a bunch of lunatics without brains. Now I know, some of you will claim that scientists are even saying there is going to be a pole shift and the sun is going to shoot radiation at our sorry asses but that doesn't mean (if it's even true) that we are going to all die.
It really is quite amazing that so many people are so incredibly convinced that 2012 will be the end. I read a story about some old bastard who was employed by a very good company and he was making serious money. Well, this dummy decided to quit his great job and go live in a hut somewhere because he is convinced that 2012 will be the end. He says he wants to live the few years he has left in peace and be ready for the doom that is sure to come. Now again, I love the idea of living out my final days in peace, but come on man, do you all really think that 2012 is really the end? I think you have a better chance of being hit by a speeding bag of anal residue and being killed than by any crazy ass Mayan prediction.
This brings up another question... Why is it that so many people (smart people included) put so much faith in Mayans and their calendar? These people (the Mayans) were pretty damn smart, I will give them that but we have to remember that back in those days, they had nothing better to do than look at stars and make crazy ass predictions. They didn't have computers to melt their brains or television to destroy their minds so instead they made up their own entertainment by saying bad things were going to happen. Kind of like how people saw figures by connecting the stars together like some sick connect the dots game.
Let us also not forget that people have been predicting the "end times" since the beginning of time and none of those morons got it right so what makes you think that this time we have it all nailed down? I think the problem is that we have a lot of bored people out there who are hoping for something interesting to happen and this is one way for them to get a little excited. Again, I am all for excitement and fun but seriously, if you are bored go out and do something other than looking like a whack job saying that the world is about to explode. It will do you good to get out and interact with humanity instead of sitting behind that damn computer screen. Who knows, maybe you will meet a nice person and you will hope that the world isn't going to end.
So for those of you living in "end time" shelters and getting ready for the doom from outer space, maybe you should put all of that energy into something positive instead of pushing this negative stupidity. Being positive is healthy and even more important, when the "end " doesn't happen, you will be able to walk around town without people laughing at you.
Have a great day assholes and watch out for those killer asteroids and space people!